
Ursula Mentjes Interview

Loved being interviewed by Ursula Mentjes! Having her support allowed me to double my sales and I’m looking forward to the next doubling or tripling!

Watch as we engage in a conversation on how removing relationship residue can benefit your bottom line. I also share a quick energy hygiene clearing near the end so stay around for that.

Step up with DL Walker Interview

Gwen Lepard is a luminary who inspires others to live a more open, genuine life with gratitude, self-love, and compassion. As a Radiant Relationship Luminary, she lights the way to self-love, joy, and worthiness. Learn more about how she empowers empaths, who’ve experienced narcissistic abuse, overcome their relationship baggage, optimize self-love and own their personal power so that they can have the love, peace, and freedom they desire.

You can reach out to her by email at Join Facebook group

Learn more about DL here:

Shift, Connect & Radiate Keys to Attracting The Life & Success You Want​ Women Speakers Association (WSA) features expert advice from #womenleaders on #WSATV shows

Having a life that naturally and easily brings opportunities, joy and feels peaceful might seem like a luxury that is out of reach. But you can have a joyous, fulfilling, and successful life when you address the things that are in the way. Like they say money can’t buy happiness. Getting to your radiance is an inside job. That being said, you may want to consult with an expert who has tools and a process to get you there. Our experts today have revealed some of their keys to creating the mental state that will get you in to your zone of fulfillment, developing the connections that bring more opportunities and clearing the emotional baggage that weighs us down. If you want a power mindset and being free to make deeper connections watch what our experts today share..

232: Magic Mic Moments Interview with Spiritual Teachings With Sally Estlin

Gwen shares: Her superpower is bringing her presence which allows people to be themselves, BE who they are and who they are meant to be. The Biggest Issue facing her clients is: Solopreneurs – Doing the work to get the message out there by themselves. Her 3 top tips for helping her clients:

  1. It’s OK to ask for help.
  2. Learn to delegate.
  3. Do the priority things: clear the things off your list to do your dream things.

You can reach out to Gwen by email at Join Facebook group

Learn more about Sally Estlin here:


238: How To Use Dance to just be YOU Interview with Spiritual Teachings With Sally Estlin

🎬🎤 In just 15-minutes you will learn:

🦋 How to find joy, inspiration, release, creation, and so much more in dance.

🌝 How dance can keep you young, flexible, strong and science says that it’s great for your brain too!

🌞🤸‍♀️ Learn more about Gwen @

Learn more about Sally Estlin here:



There are lingering issues that happen when you are in a relationship with a narcissist. Unfortunately, the negative impact of dealing with a narcissist can linger on for years. We talk about the gaslighting, manipulation, and abuse that are such a part of these types of relationships.

In this discussion, Gwen Lepard talks about her own experiences in getting out of a narcissistic divorce and how she turned her life around. Gwen provides practical strategies and ideas on how to move out of these relationships and find your joy and purpose.

Gwen has provided a free gift – Grab yours at

You can reach out to her by email at Join Facebook group

Learn more about Mardi Winder-Adams here:

Magic Mike Moments Interview with Spiritual Teachings With Sally Estlin

Another in a series of interviews with wellness experts discussing their areas of expertise. Today we are chatting with Gwen Lepard. Gwen is a relationship clearing expert. As a mentor, speaker and workshop leader she helps those experiencing breakups to get confidence, freedom and joy. And what Gwen is most passionate about is helping create lives that are happier than they ever imagined, After all – don’t we all want a life like that! Like us and leave us a comment. Enjoy!

You can reach out to Gwen by email at Join Facebook group

Learn more about Sally Estlin here:

Wellbeing Panel with Harry and Sally and special guests Gwen Lepard and Brigette Sigley

Another discussion between Harry and Sally where we discuss topical wellbeing issues affecting our daily lives and look at small changes we can make implement to create a healthier way forward for our bodies and quality of life. We’re real, raw and relevant! Let us know what topics you would like to hear about. Today we have 2 special guests Gwen Lepard and Brigette Sigley and discuss giving and receiving and how it enriches our wellbeing.

You can reach out to Gwen by email at Join Facebook group

Learn more about Sally Estlin here:


Trish Kane (HEALERVERSE) Interview with Healerverse Healer Gwen Lepard ♾️ EP 13

Gwen Lepard is a Speaker, Mentor, and a Baggage Begone™ Facilitator. She’s been in the healing field for 40 years and has a toolshed of healing modalities including Energy Medicine, Decrees, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Quantum Jumping, and many more.

Gwen has Co-Authored 6 books including the Award-Winning International Bestseller, “Navigating the Clickety-Clack, Volume 2” with Joe Vitale and Marie Diamond from the hit movie, “The Secret.” She has appeared on telesummits, podcasts, virtual stages, and radio shows.

Interview insights: Intro Bloopers; Intro; The 13 Chakras; Ground and Protect; Telling Story; Light and Dark; Healerverse; Purpose; 13 Chakras and more.

Let’s bring all the healers of the world to ONE space and see what happens. 😉

Trish Kane (HEALERVERSE)’s channel encompasses Trish’s life, travels & interviews with healers.

Learn more here